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It can be found just below the brain Surgery can causeus Infection the leakage of the cerebral fluid called CSF The CSF surrounds the brain When leaking occurs, the best way to stop it is to take complete bed rest When the leakage don't stop, the patient should undergo brain surgery The good thing about sphenoid sinus is its locationSlide Show of Treatment Of Fungal Sinusitis (presented as Flash Movie with auto play & no need to click) Video1 demonstrates Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in a 42 yo female patient with right sphenoid fungal ball (mycetoma) The sinus mucosa around the ball was edematous while the rest of the sinus mucosa being rather normalSphenoid sinusitis is an inflammation of the sphenoid sinuses It can result from a variety of causes—including bacterial or viral infections, allergies, or autoimmune issues Infections are by far the most common cause Because of the location of the sphenoid sinuses, this type of sinusitis is often very difficult to diagnose and treat ...

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Moisture Resistance EPS vs XPS Insulation The level of moisture resistance that these different types of insulations offer is critical, especially when it comes to a structure's insulation When the insulation product is not very moisture resistant, it is more likely to retain moisture and become damaged over time, which will decrease the effectiveness of the insulation product · There are absolutely NO native files, everything is saved in EPS, and Illustrator was used for layout instead of InDesign, but of course, no AI files Every time I need to open a document to make changes, I nearly have an anxiety attack hoping that it is going to be easy, and that I don't have to manipulate thingsEPS file, or Encapsulated PostScript file, is a graphics file format It is used to save vector images that can be opened in Adobe Illustrator and other similar software The file contains information related to the vector image you have created, such as text and graphics, as well as its bit map v...

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花はタマアジサイに似て、装飾花は大きく、両性花は雄しべが長い 。葉は細長く、先がとがる 。中国語では「 長葉繍球 」。 ハイドランゲア・ロンギペス Hydrangea longipes Franchet 。中国、ネパールに分布 。高さ2–25メートル 。170 Likes, 3 Comments なぎさ (@nagisa_marry) on Instagram "* おじいちゃん家で摘んできた #オオデマリ 💠💠💠 #紫陽花 に似てる💓 * #マルティネリ の空き瓶より はるかに大きい *"薔薇に似た花「ラナンキュラス」 15年8月2日 花 幾重にも重なるフワっと柔らかでしなやかな花びら、コロンとまあるいフォルムが愛らしい花、ラナンキュラス。 山野の花シリーズ オオカメノキ ミズキ ヤマボウシ あきた森づくり活動サポートセンター 紫陽花 似 てる 花